Maybe nothing is good enough for someone that considers himself to be unlucky.
I think we fall in our brains own repetition-loving-trap and low-effort-high-reward-trap that makes us forget the real good luck we have every day.
And it’s really hard not to take it for granted, we look for more and more things outside ourselves. Wealth, approval, possessions, whatever we do will give us a short adrenalin burst that will fade and then we move on to the next thing.
Some time ago I was in Lviv, Ukraine and I was completely amazed by the little gentleman in the photo and even more by the amount of people trying to get a perfect coin-shot into his hat.
This little guy has to dodge hundreds of coins every day. I missed my shot but still got my wish 🍀
Don’t get me wrong I have tried a few shots myself 😀
Act lucky, be lucky!